mercredi 14 septembre 2011

Death Grips - Guillotine

All I know about this band is that drummer Zach Hill is part of the project. There is no information anywhere about them. But the most important is that their kind of experimental hip hop is awesome! It's filthy, dark, like there is something wrong but extremely well done. Bonus: they made videos for all the songs!

Live @ Club Lambi september 23.

Go watch everything at

samedi 9 avril 2011

Next shows!

April 29th w/ Test Your Might @ Bar de l'O, Charlemagne, Qc.
May 7th w/ Alcoholator @ Trash, St-Hycacynthe, Qc. see
May 28th w/ Test Your Might @ Le Repaire, Laval, Qc.
September 14th w/ Test Your Might @ L'Hémisphère Gauche, Montréal, Qc.
September 16th w/ Test Your Might @ Bar de l'O, Charlemagne, Qc.

mercredi 6 avril 2011

Test Your Might new song!

Bam! First post, this is my band Test Your Might with the new promo song Growing Apart. Enjoy!